Saturday, December 31, 2011

Amok at the Clay Pot Mecca

We took a little day trip to Marshall, Texas yesterday to visit the red clay pot capital of the multiverse, Marshall Pottery.


It’s probably a good thing we took the smaller vehicle. The heavily discounted pots were such a steal we filled the entire back of the CrV. We ended up with eight enormous pots for tomatoes, eight slightly smaller for herbs, six colorful glazed crocks for the master bathroom, two large black glazed beauties and one frivolous, irresistible fish.


The poor little CrV was packed to the gills.


This post should probably appear over at “Cheesy” since it also concerns food, but what the heck… it was a rolling mini-trip.

Good hamburgers can be found at Jucy's. Along with a great ice cream parlor of Blue Bell delights. The oddity was the free BBQ beans. All you can eat with any sandwich,  they were the star of the show. The excellent yet unusual seasoning mix had us both stumped. Tz ate quite a few, in addition to a Blackened Bleu Burger. I had a BLT and couldn’t eat another bite all day.


The onion rings were excellent, the fries…meh.

Marshall is a lovely little town with an enchanting Christmas Lights festival. Drop by some day, even if you don’t need any pots.


Tz practicing his Morse code?

A little known movie, "The Great Debaters" is set at Wiley College, located in Marshall, and is well worth a place on your Netflix queue.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Return Visit to Matagorda

There would be fascinating prose to accompany these pictures if each day had 28 hours and each week nine days. The restrictions imposed upon us by our limited dimensions in this puny parcel of the MULTIVERSE leave me no alternative but to fling pictures up on this blog with hopes of someday returning to talk about them.

Briefly, we had weather variations galore.



Flat seas, crashing waves, clear skies and foggy mist all invited us out on the jetties. Some days were safer than others.

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LOTS of birds, including my first Piping Plover.

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A cattle drive across the Colorado. Poor, emaciated cows… hopefully they will find more to eat now that we have had rains.




Interesting fishing vessels and people.



An almost empty campground.

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It was a lovely week.



New laptop, new camera, new software. Next trip in February. Will my work-flow improve enough to be ready by then? Let us hope.