Friday, October 28, 2011

The Milieu


While quickly sorting through pictures for the Matagorda RV Park overview post I ran across this charming example of the park’s ambiance. This boy was dancing with his little sister.

The park is remote.  Everyone there was local.  I actually heard someone say their friend had just arrived “all the way” from Houston. The place fills up on the weekends. There were kids, but nice kids. Virtually everyone had a dog, yet they were all socialized, leashed, NOT yappy and the owners were exemplary at poop patrol.

During our second weekend a big, extended family set up camp right on the river and hauled out tons of expensive fishing gear, chairs, lanterns and what not…. then proceeded into town for the entire evening with absolutely no worries that anything would be stolen.  Old Texas manners at their finest.


1 comment:

Erin said...

Love the photo of the siblings dancing together. Nice family interaction is not observed often.